It's March 17th, St. Patrick's Day. As you can probably tell I've been doing a little bit of updating today.
I live in a place that probably has T.H.E. biggest celebration, on a per-capita basis, of anywhere on earth.
And I'm not taking part. :(
I'm sick as a dog. Thursday at work was hell. I stayed home Friday. And I've spent most of the last few days unconscious. I think I've been awake for 5 hours since 1 a.m. Saturday morning.
I really wanted to go out partying this weekend, too. Unfortunately, the friend I was going to go with injured himself recently and can't go even if I was in perfect health. Hope you feel better soon, Joe.
So I'm surfing the web, updating my blog, and probably offending everyone on my friend list on Facebook with some of the things I'm sharing (posts from this blog).
I think I'll watch a timeless St. Patrick's Day movie here in a little while: The Boondock Saints.
I may yet go out today. I don't know.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Why Modern Women are Like the Wehrmacht (And Will Suffer the Same Fate)
By: Wikked
(This is an opinion piece. Even though there is some historical content, it's highly condensed, and thus, this is NOT a history lesson. You're not meant to take it as fact. It's just one man writing about what he sees and thinks. If you agree, great. If not, that sounds an awful lot like YOUR problem. Most of the readers of this will probably already be aware of and familiar with the second part, but I'm including it anyway just on the off chance that this piece gets spread somewhere other than the target audience, and because this just wouldn't be complete without it.)
We all know the saying "Those who don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it", or some variation thereof. I'm interested in history, especially modern military history (WWII and later). Not to the point that I'm going to go out and get a Master's degree in World War 2 History or some other, equally useless thing, but I like to read it, watch documentaries, etc.
I'm also intelligent, politically aware, a victim of false allegations (I'll get into that some other time), have been married, and have gone through a divorce. I've been put through the wringer, several times, and have learned to recognize the enemy in the Gender War.
Interestingly enough, they're very similar to another enemy, in an actual war.
Today's woman is in many ways similar to the average soldier in the Wehrmacht during the years prior to World War Two and the war years.
Let's take a look at this in more detail, shall we? First, the Wehrmacht.
The Nazis essentially came to power in Germany by telling people what they wanted to hear and making them feel good. They gave them direction and goals. Yes, it's a bit more complicated than that, but in a nutshell, that's what happened.
Everything in German society was turned into a tool of the Nazis. If it didn't conform, it was basically discarded. Children were brainwashed into believing the Nazi propaganda, and turned into good little footsoldiers for Nazism. Every. Single. Aspect. of German life and society were infiltrated and corrupted by the Nazis.
The soldiers of the Wehrmacht were regular German men. They'd been fed a good line, made to believe the crap that the Nazis were telling them, bombarded with an endless stream of propaganda, and transformed into the Nazi party's tool for global domination. Then they were turned loose on Europe and Africa.
Initially, they had a lot of success. Country after country fell in Europe, until basically all that were left were the United Kingdom and some neutral countries like Switzerland. They seemed unstoppable.
And their leaders made the Grand Fuckall of mistakes: they declared war on the US.
At the time, America wasn't ready for a war. We'd had a good portion of our Pacific fleet damaged or sunk at Pearl Harbor, the army wasn't ready for a war across TWO oceans, the Marine Corps was still using rifles from the LAST war (Springfield M1903...there may even have been some of the US-made Enfields and Eddystones in the Corps' arsenal), our airpower was pretty much a joke, our armored forces were even worse, we didn't have the correct tactics for fighting the German panzers, and our ability to manufacture the tools and weapons needed for a war was still recovering from the Depression.
And yet, we managed to send men and equipment to help kick the Germans out of Africa. And then we sent enough aircraft to the UK, and later Italy and other countries in the area, that the Germans couldn't possibly shoot down enough of them to stop our air forces from destroying German industry.
Just for good measure, we (I'm including the other Allies in this "we", by the way) firebombed a couple of German cities until there was nothing left.
And we invaded Fortress Europe. I think we know how that worked out.
Eventually, much of Germany's industry was smashed, and German cities were great piles of rubble. The once-mighty and proud Wehrmacht was a beaten, battered shell of its former self. Because of German misdeeds in occupied countries, coupled with the horrors of the concentration camps, regular German soldiers were treated like they were personally responsible for starting the war, killing Jews by the truckload, burning all of Europe, molesting cattle, and kicking a dozen puppies. How many of them lost their entire families in the war, as well as their homes and/or farms, I have no idea, but I'd be willing to wager it was quite a few. And then there is the small matter of those that lost their very LIVES.
They followed an evil regime, led by some of the most depraved creatures to ever walk, swim, crawl, flap, or slither the face of the Earth (topped only by Stalin and his Gaggle of Maggots), and they paid a heavy price for it. Even the ones that weren't Nazis, just regular soldiers doing what they were told was their duty. German society was rebuilt the way the Allies dictated to them that it would be rebuilt.
An entire generation of American men were ripped from their homes and families, their jobs and businesses, and sent to the front lines. They were shelled, shot at, mortared, walked into minefields, fed the most meager of rations, and watched their buddies ripped apart in front of them. Anyone who's been in the military, especially the combat arms, knows that your buddies are closer to you than any biological brother. And these men saw their friends get shot, blown up, or burned up right in front of them. Many men of this generation carried an intense dislike, even hatred, of the Germans until the day they died (and there are fewer and fewer of them every day, as age catches up to them if nothing else has already).
Back to today's woman....
The feminists came to power by telling women what they wanted to hear and making them feel good. They gave them direction and goals. Again, it's a bit more complicated than that, but in a nutshell, that's what happened.
Everything in Western societies has been turned into a tool of the feminists. If it doesn't conform, it's being discarded, perverted, or destroyed. Children are brainwashed into believing the feminist propaganda, and turned into good little footsoldiers for feminism. Every. Single. Aspect. of life and society in Western nations has been infiltrated and corrupted by the feminists.
The footsoldiers of feminism are regular women. They'd been fed a good line, made to believe the crap that the feminists are telling them, bombarded with an endless stream of propaganda, and transformed into the feminist tool for global domination. Then they were turned loose on Europe and the United States.
They've had a lot of successes. Country after country fell to them in Europe, and even the US has succumbed to their onslaught.
Misandric laws have been passed like there's no tomorrow. Marriage has been destroyed, and any man who's naive, stupid, or uneducated enough to get married is going to be in for a hell of a shock when he loses everything he has and most of what he WILL ever have to an adulterous wretch. Thanks to the feminists, we've got 'no-fault' divorce now, which actually means "It's always the man's fault, take him to the cleaners". Vagimony (also called alimony, spousal support, or maintenance) hasn't been done away with, though the old system of divorce has. It used to be, if a man was adulterous or otherwise destroyed the marriage, he paid vagimony and the wife got a bunch of free stuff. If the WIFE was the at-fault party, she got basically nothing. Now? Now she takes everything and you pay her. In some states, it's for a set time. In others, it's until she remarries. Pre-nups are worthless, and even pre-marital property and inheritances aren't safe.
They can also use another branch of the legal system against men, that being the criminal side (there's no justice in the 'Justice System'). All it takes is one false rape accusation and a man's life can be ruined. The feminists have made it so, and the Wehrmacht...I mean, regular women, have taken up that particular rifle. How many men are sitting in prison right now, or have a record, due to false allegations? How many are dead because they took their own life due to what these accusations and/or convictions cost them? I don't know, but I know there are some in each category. I very nearly was myself. How many women are in prison, or have a record, due to MAKING false accusations? None.
Or how about the ever-popular 'domestic violence'? Aren't we at the point now, in the US at least, that raising your voice to a woman, or calling her a name, or even just her saying that she 'felt' scared, can get a man thrown in jail?
And dating? Might as well forget it. It's at least as bad of a minefield as marriage, only the stakes are different. Not higher, not lower, just different. Again, false accusations are rife. And just dealing with the attitudes from women is enough to make any man worthy of the title say "Screw it!".
The education system has been dumbed-down to the point that there are high school graduates that can barely read and can only SLOWLY print their name in upper case block letters. I've known, worked with, and even gone to college with people that should still have been in high school, and should have STAYED there until they could do basic algebra and tell the difference between a verb and a noun, AND string together a coherent sentence when they write. Instead, they're out in the real world, working and (here's the scary part) VOTING.
Colleges and universities are requiring worthless classes that are essentially just feminist propaganda sessions for ALL majors, not just the soft-headed shit like Literature. When I started a bachelor's degree in Electro-Mechanical Engineering, prior to withdrawing from school and moving across the country, I had to take a sociology class. Anyone who's ever taken a sociology class knows just how useless and stupid this is, and they also know that you spend 15 weeks (10 if you're at a school on quarters instead of semesters) being told that all the evils in the world are caused by white heterosexual males (except, perhaps, those that are in the feminist/international communist/liberal camps), especially those with Christian religious beliefs, and most especially those with conservative or even libertarian political views. Being a white heterosexual male with libertarian political views, I of course took exception to this (no, I'm not Christian). I made it through most of ONE session of this class. The other days I didn't bother going, I just slept in with my girlfriend at the time.
Three entire generations of American men have been ripped from their homes and families, their jobs and businesses, and sent through the Divorce Meat Grinder. They've been attacked by the legal system, by the family courts, by someone they once loved so much they were willing to spend the rest of their life with her. They've watched their friends and sometimes family members ripped apart by the system. They've dealt with the pain of rejection, and separation from their children. They've been forced to pay HER legal fees, child support (even though they don't get to actually spend time with their children), and alimony. So much has been spent in many cases that they're surviving on the most meager of rations. And like the WWII veterans, many men of these generations have developed, and now carry with them, an intense dislike, even hatred, of women.
On the job front, men can do no right. If you talk to female co-workers, you're a creep. If you say something they don't like, you're a sexual harasser. If you DON'T talk to them any more than is absolutely necessary, they'll still find ways to get you in trouble and having you standing tall before HR, complaining that you're a misogynist and aloof.
But the feminist leaders have made the Grand Fuckall of mistakes: they pushed too far, too hard.
Men didn't want a war with women. That's part of why those initial successes happened in the first place. We want peace in our relations with our females. Most just want (or DID, at one time, anyway) the whole marriage and family thing. We weren't ready for a war, and on the whole we've had a hard time adjusting to the tactics that the enemy uses. We've been conditioned since birth to believe certain things about women, and many of us can't overcome that conditioning. We weren't mentally ready for a war with women, we weren't emotionally ready for a war with women, and a great many of us are ill-equipped to fight a war with women, since we still buy into the lies and propaganda we've been fed all our lives.
We are the US on 09 December, 1941.
The difference, of course, is that they control the system. They control the governments, which means they write the laws and control the police. They control the media, which means they can send out an endless stream of propaganda, constantly. They've even managed to control the minds of a significant portion of the population.
We (and by we, I mean "men") can't beat them the same way we beat the Germans in World War Two, by out-producing them when it comes to the weapons of this war, while simultaneously destroying their ability to wage said war. They hold all the power, and they make all the rules.
But the real gem here is, we don't have to, either. We win by simply not fighting. And as many, perhaps most, of the people reading this know, we're doing exactly that. We're withdrawing. And our numbers are growing. Look up 'asymmetric warfare' sometime. Women need men a LOT more than men need women. Women are consumers, not producers. Complainers, not innovators. Administrators, not inventors. Without us men, everything comes to a screeching halt.
And the end result will be the same for our societies as it was for Nazi Germany (and, though for different reasons, ancient Rome before them, and who knows how many other societies where the men eventually said "Fuck it"): ruin. And when that ruin comes to pass, and our societies are crumbling, our cities are burning, and the women who are currently the stromtroopers and footsoldiers for the feminists want to surrender, they're going to be treated like they were personally responsible for starting the war, killing babies by the truckload, burning all of Western civilization, molesting cattle, and kicking a dozen puppies.
Personally, I think they've earned that treatment a lot more than the men who served in the Wehrmacht, Kriegsmarine, and Luftwaffe did.
(This is an opinion piece. Even though there is some historical content, it's highly condensed, and thus, this is NOT a history lesson. You're not meant to take it as fact. It's just one man writing about what he sees and thinks. If you agree, great. If not, that sounds an awful lot like YOUR problem. Most of the readers of this will probably already be aware of and familiar with the second part, but I'm including it anyway just on the off chance that this piece gets spread somewhere other than the target audience, and because this just wouldn't be complete without it.)
We all know the saying "Those who don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it", or some variation thereof. I'm interested in history, especially modern military history (WWII and later). Not to the point that I'm going to go out and get a Master's degree in World War 2 History or some other, equally useless thing, but I like to read it, watch documentaries, etc.
I'm also intelligent, politically aware, a victim of false allegations (I'll get into that some other time), have been married, and have gone through a divorce. I've been put through the wringer, several times, and have learned to recognize the enemy in the Gender War.
Interestingly enough, they're very similar to another enemy, in an actual war.
Today's woman is in many ways similar to the average soldier in the Wehrmacht during the years prior to World War Two and the war years.
Let's take a look at this in more detail, shall we? First, the Wehrmacht.
The Nazis essentially came to power in Germany by telling people what they wanted to hear and making them feel good. They gave them direction and goals. Yes, it's a bit more complicated than that, but in a nutshell, that's what happened.
Everything in German society was turned into a tool of the Nazis. If it didn't conform, it was basically discarded. Children were brainwashed into believing the Nazi propaganda, and turned into good little footsoldiers for Nazism. Every. Single. Aspect. of German life and society were infiltrated and corrupted by the Nazis.
The soldiers of the Wehrmacht were regular German men. They'd been fed a good line, made to believe the crap that the Nazis were telling them, bombarded with an endless stream of propaganda, and transformed into the Nazi party's tool for global domination. Then they were turned loose on Europe and Africa.
Initially, they had a lot of success. Country after country fell in Europe, until basically all that were left were the United Kingdom and some neutral countries like Switzerland. They seemed unstoppable.
And their leaders made the Grand Fuckall of mistakes: they declared war on the US.
At the time, America wasn't ready for a war. We'd had a good portion of our Pacific fleet damaged or sunk at Pearl Harbor, the army wasn't ready for a war across TWO oceans, the Marine Corps was still using rifles from the LAST war (Springfield M1903...there may even have been some of the US-made Enfields and Eddystones in the Corps' arsenal), our airpower was pretty much a joke, our armored forces were even worse, we didn't have the correct tactics for fighting the German panzers, and our ability to manufacture the tools and weapons needed for a war was still recovering from the Depression.
And yet, we managed to send men and equipment to help kick the Germans out of Africa. And then we sent enough aircraft to the UK, and later Italy and other countries in the area, that the Germans couldn't possibly shoot down enough of them to stop our air forces from destroying German industry.
Just for good measure, we (I'm including the other Allies in this "we", by the way) firebombed a couple of German cities until there was nothing left.
And we invaded Fortress Europe. I think we know how that worked out.
Eventually, much of Germany's industry was smashed, and German cities were great piles of rubble. The once-mighty and proud Wehrmacht was a beaten, battered shell of its former self. Because of German misdeeds in occupied countries, coupled with the horrors of the concentration camps, regular German soldiers were treated like they were personally responsible for starting the war, killing Jews by the truckload, burning all of Europe, molesting cattle, and kicking a dozen puppies. How many of them lost their entire families in the war, as well as their homes and/or farms, I have no idea, but I'd be willing to wager it was quite a few. And then there is the small matter of those that lost their very LIVES.
They followed an evil regime, led by some of the most depraved creatures to ever walk, swim, crawl, flap, or slither the face of the Earth (topped only by Stalin and his Gaggle of Maggots), and they paid a heavy price for it. Even the ones that weren't Nazis, just regular soldiers doing what they were told was their duty. German society was rebuilt the way the Allies dictated to them that it would be rebuilt.
An entire generation of American men were ripped from their homes and families, their jobs and businesses, and sent to the front lines. They were shelled, shot at, mortared, walked into minefields, fed the most meager of rations, and watched their buddies ripped apart in front of them. Anyone who's been in the military, especially the combat arms, knows that your buddies are closer to you than any biological brother. And these men saw their friends get shot, blown up, or burned up right in front of them. Many men of this generation carried an intense dislike, even hatred, of the Germans until the day they died (and there are fewer and fewer of them every day, as age catches up to them if nothing else has already).
Back to today's woman....
The feminists came to power by telling women what they wanted to hear and making them feel good. They gave them direction and goals. Again, it's a bit more complicated than that, but in a nutshell, that's what happened.
Everything in Western societies has been turned into a tool of the feminists. If it doesn't conform, it's being discarded, perverted, or destroyed. Children are brainwashed into believing the feminist propaganda, and turned into good little footsoldiers for feminism. Every. Single. Aspect. of life and society in Western nations has been infiltrated and corrupted by the feminists.
The footsoldiers of feminism are regular women. They'd been fed a good line, made to believe the crap that the feminists are telling them, bombarded with an endless stream of propaganda, and transformed into the feminist tool for global domination. Then they were turned loose on Europe and the United States.
They've had a lot of successes. Country after country fell to them in Europe, and even the US has succumbed to their onslaught.
Misandric laws have been passed like there's no tomorrow. Marriage has been destroyed, and any man who's naive, stupid, or uneducated enough to get married is going to be in for a hell of a shock when he loses everything he has and most of what he WILL ever have to an adulterous wretch. Thanks to the feminists, we've got 'no-fault' divorce now, which actually means "It's always the man's fault, take him to the cleaners". Vagimony (also called alimony, spousal support, or maintenance) hasn't been done away with, though the old system of divorce has. It used to be, if a man was adulterous or otherwise destroyed the marriage, he paid vagimony and the wife got a bunch of free stuff. If the WIFE was the at-fault party, she got basically nothing. Now? Now she takes everything and you pay her. In some states, it's for a set time. In others, it's until she remarries. Pre-nups are worthless, and even pre-marital property and inheritances aren't safe.
They can also use another branch of the legal system against men, that being the criminal side (there's no justice in the 'Justice System'). All it takes is one false rape accusation and a man's life can be ruined. The feminists have made it so, and the Wehrmacht...I mean, regular women, have taken up that particular rifle. How many men are sitting in prison right now, or have a record, due to false allegations? How many are dead because they took their own life due to what these accusations and/or convictions cost them? I don't know, but I know there are some in each category. I very nearly was myself. How many women are in prison, or have a record, due to MAKING false accusations? None.
Or how about the ever-popular 'domestic violence'? Aren't we at the point now, in the US at least, that raising your voice to a woman, or calling her a name, or even just her saying that she 'felt' scared, can get a man thrown in jail?
And dating? Might as well forget it. It's at least as bad of a minefield as marriage, only the stakes are different. Not higher, not lower, just different. Again, false accusations are rife. And just dealing with the attitudes from women is enough to make any man worthy of the title say "Screw it!".
The education system has been dumbed-down to the point that there are high school graduates that can barely read and can only SLOWLY print their name in upper case block letters. I've known, worked with, and even gone to college with people that should still have been in high school, and should have STAYED there until they could do basic algebra and tell the difference between a verb and a noun, AND string together a coherent sentence when they write. Instead, they're out in the real world, working and (here's the scary part) VOTING.
Colleges and universities are requiring worthless classes that are essentially just feminist propaganda sessions for ALL majors, not just the soft-headed shit like Literature. When I started a bachelor's degree in Electro-Mechanical Engineering, prior to withdrawing from school and moving across the country, I had to take a sociology class. Anyone who's ever taken a sociology class knows just how useless and stupid this is, and they also know that you spend 15 weeks (10 if you're at a school on quarters instead of semesters) being told that all the evils in the world are caused by white heterosexual males (except, perhaps, those that are in the feminist/international communist/liberal camps), especially those with Christian religious beliefs, and most especially those with conservative or even libertarian political views. Being a white heterosexual male with libertarian political views, I of course took exception to this (no, I'm not Christian). I made it through most of ONE session of this class. The other days I didn't bother going, I just slept in with my girlfriend at the time.
Three entire generations of American men have been ripped from their homes and families, their jobs and businesses, and sent through the Divorce Meat Grinder. They've been attacked by the legal system, by the family courts, by someone they once loved so much they were willing to spend the rest of their life with her. They've watched their friends and sometimes family members ripped apart by the system. They've dealt with the pain of rejection, and separation from their children. They've been forced to pay HER legal fees, child support (even though they don't get to actually spend time with their children), and alimony. So much has been spent in many cases that they're surviving on the most meager of rations. And like the WWII veterans, many men of these generations have developed, and now carry with them, an intense dislike, even hatred, of women.
On the job front, men can do no right. If you talk to female co-workers, you're a creep. If you say something they don't like, you're a sexual harasser. If you DON'T talk to them any more than is absolutely necessary, they'll still find ways to get you in trouble and having you standing tall before HR, complaining that you're a misogynist and aloof.
But the feminist leaders have made the Grand Fuckall of mistakes: they pushed too far, too hard.
Men didn't want a war with women. That's part of why those initial successes happened in the first place. We want peace in our relations with our females. Most just want (or DID, at one time, anyway) the whole marriage and family thing. We weren't ready for a war, and on the whole we've had a hard time adjusting to the tactics that the enemy uses. We've been conditioned since birth to believe certain things about women, and many of us can't overcome that conditioning. We weren't mentally ready for a war with women, we weren't emotionally ready for a war with women, and a great many of us are ill-equipped to fight a war with women, since we still buy into the lies and propaganda we've been fed all our lives.
We are the US on 09 December, 1941.
The difference, of course, is that they control the system. They control the governments, which means they write the laws and control the police. They control the media, which means they can send out an endless stream of propaganda, constantly. They've even managed to control the minds of a significant portion of the population.
We (and by we, I mean "men") can't beat them the same way we beat the Germans in World War Two, by out-producing them when it comes to the weapons of this war, while simultaneously destroying their ability to wage said war. They hold all the power, and they make all the rules.
But the real gem here is, we don't have to, either. We win by simply not fighting. And as many, perhaps most, of the people reading this know, we're doing exactly that. We're withdrawing. And our numbers are growing. Look up 'asymmetric warfare' sometime. Women need men a LOT more than men need women. Women are consumers, not producers. Complainers, not innovators. Administrators, not inventors. Without us men, everything comes to a screeching halt.
And the end result will be the same for our societies as it was for Nazi Germany (and, though for different reasons, ancient Rome before them, and who knows how many other societies where the men eventually said "Fuck it"): ruin. And when that ruin comes to pass, and our societies are crumbling, our cities are burning, and the women who are currently the stromtroopers and footsoldiers for the feminists want to surrender, they're going to be treated like they were personally responsible for starting the war, killing babies by the truckload, burning all of Western civilization, molesting cattle, and kicking a dozen puppies.
Personally, I think they've earned that treatment a lot more than the men who served in the Wehrmacht, Kriegsmarine, and Luftwaffe did.
Where Have the Good Women Gone?
By Wikked
It seems like every day there’s another hundred opinion piece articles about “Where Have All the Good Men Gone?” or some such. And always, it’s a woman bemoaning her inability to find a man who will shower her with gifts, give her ALL of his time, attention, and money, and basically be nothing except her slave. They don’t actually SAY it quite like that, but anyone who’s seen more than one of these pieces and knows how to decipher femspeak knows that that’s exactly what they mean.
Or the ever-popular Man-Up articles trying to tell us we should be happy, even EAGER, to wife up a 30-something who has a couple of junior thugs by a couple of different thugs. Don our capes and play Captain Save-A-Ho. Again, be a happy little slave who turns his entire paycheck over to her, let’s her make all the decision in the relationship, etc.
What utter rot.
However, let’s just suppose for a minute that perhaps one of these women isn’t crying about her lack of slave, but rather actually wants what she thinks she’s saying she wants. So, where HAVE all the good men gone?
My question is, where are the women that DESERVE the ‘good men’?
Where are the women who didn’t spend their teens and 20’s ‘dating’ (read: having sex with) every scumbag, lowlife, thug, and loser that crossed their path?
Where are the women that didn’t get knocked up a couple times by these same scumbags, lowlifes, thugs, and losers?
Where are the women who didn’t ride the Cock Carousel as hard and as fast as they could until they were violently ejected sometime around 28-30, hit the wall hard and developed a serious case of Baby Rabies?
Where are the women who are actually capable of loving a man for who he is, rather than what kind of goodies she can get from him?
Where are the women who see marriage and family as an equal partnership, instead of a chance for her to sit around and do nothing all day, spend all the money their husband makes, bitch and moan about everything under the sun, cheat on him when she gets bored, and then dump all her pre-marital debt on him AND take everything he has and most of what he WILL ever have?
Where are those women?
They don’t exist anymore. Feminism has seen to that. Feminism has destroyed all of the instututions, traditions, attitudes, whatever you want to call it, that produced good women. Women who were capable of overcoming female nature. Women who were worthy of a Good Man.
Those of us that AREN’T lowlifes, thugs, scumbags, and losers have adapted. We’ve been put down, treated like garbage, ignored, laughed at, and friendzoned. And we’ve had it. We’re done.
Women want to talk about “A REAL man would (insert action that only benefits a woman)”….NO woman can EVER speak for what ANY man would do, EVER. Just like I can never describe what menstrual cramps feel like. Any time a women says “A real man would…”, you know the next words out of her mouth are going to be some completely selfish tripe.
No real man wants to raise someone else’s kids. No real man wants to be a slave to the attitudes and desires of a woman. No real man wants to spend his time with someone who doesn’t respect him and he probably doesn’t respect either. No real man wants to gamble his future on the fickle creatures that pass for women nowadays.
You want to know where the good men are? I think one of the posters at a forum I frequent said it best: “The prey has been hunted to extinction, and its habitat destroyed”.
My guess is, they’re hunting jotunn, taking a break every now and again to feed the wandering herd of unicorns, having a few pints with the gang of leprechaun down the street, and hanging out with their buddies and the Good Women.
Stop bitching about ‘Where are all the good men’. You’re responsible for the current state of relations between the sexes. You’ve created the environment that makes Good Men not want to get involved with women. You did it. Not us.
Bed. Made. Lie.
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