Monday, June 3, 2013
Mutual Assured Destruction, Femimarxists, Guerrilla Warfare, and MGTOW
I've mentioned before that I'm interested in history, especially military history. There are a lot of great lessons to be learned.
I'm not really sure why the idea for this topic popped into my head. Must've been something I read on a forum. now you're probably wondering what Mutual Assured Destruction and guerrilla warfare have to do with femimarxists, MGTOW, Gender War, etc. I'm going to let my mind just kind of wander and sort itself out as I'm writing this. The idea is there, it's just not completely solidified yet. But I don't want to take the chance of losing it, so here goes, and I'll (hopefully) fix any problems, inconsistencies, etc., as I'm writing.
Now then, Mutual Assured Destruction:
From Wikipedia:
Mutual assured destruction, or mutually assured destruction (MAD), is a doctrine of military strategy and national security policy in which a full-scale use of high-yield weapons of mass destruction by two opposing sides would effectively result in the complete, utter and irrevocable annihilation of both the attacker and the defender,[1] becoming thus a war that has no victory nor any armistice but only effective reciprocal destruction. It is based on the theory of deterrence according to which the deployment, and implicit menace of use, of strong weapons is essential to threaten the enemy in order to prevent the use of the same weapons by the enemy against oneself. The strategy is effectively a form of Nash equilibrium in which neither side, once armed, has any rational incentive either to initiate a conflict or to disarm (presuming neither side considers self-destruction an acceptable outcome).
As to how this relates to the Gender War, here's how I see it.
The enemy is femimarxists. Their footsoldiers are women and white knight faggots. They control most of the means of communication/media, as well as the courts and legislatures. These are their weapons. And they're using their forces (soldiers + weapons) against us, obviously. I mean that's what you DO in a war. They have thus far limited themselves to the use of tactical nuclear weapons, such as: domestic violence laws that only punish men even though women are the aggressor in about 50% of domestic disputes; 'no-fault' divorce laws that should read "It's ALWAYS the man's fault" which punish men for being stupid enough to get married in the first place; and the definitions of sexual harassment and rape being basically changed to 'if a woman say you harassed/raped her, then that is enough, you're fukt'.
I really hate the thought of what their theater or strategic weapons are.
What they don't realize is, our weapons may not be quite as in-your-face, nor as violent, nor as traumatizing to the victim, but they're just as real, and arguably MUCH more powerful.
Let's use MGTOW as an example. When a man decides to GHOW, what is the end result? Assuming that men are approximately 49% of the population of the US, for every MGHOW there is one woman who won't get the marriage she claims she wants. If she's somehow not the typical female, and manages to not get knocked up by some thug who dumps her on her ass and leaves her to raise the wombfilth on her own, this means she doesn't get to have a family. So her future consists of sitting in her apartment or house, surrounded by hundreds of pairs of shoes and probably a dozen cats, drowning in debt, eating ice cream, and watching Lifetime and hating men more by the minute.
Whereas the man in this equation lives a MUCH better life than he ever would have had he wifed her up. He'll actually have money instead of being flat-ass broke and under a mountain of debt. He'll have time for his hobbies, rather than having to devote all of his time to some screeching harpy. He can travel when and if he wants, work the job that he wants rather than the one that will ensure that Cupcake has a credit card with a high enough limit, and, if he so chooses, have relationships (esp. the short term kind, preferably of the one-night variety) with as many women as he chooses to associate with. Young, ATTRACTIVE women, rather than post-Wall hags.
Yes, women have done their utmost to punish him for being male. They hate him because they can't BE him, and so they attempt to destroy him. They may not succeed at destroying him personally, but assuming he hasn't had any kids before unplugging from the Matrix, they've destroyed his genetic line. After he's gone, that's it.
He destroyed her dreams, destroyed her chance at happiness, and if we're lucky, destroyed HER genetic line also.
Both sides are destroyed. Mutual assured destruction.
The difference is the road to the destination. His will be a LOT happier than hers.
We won't even get into the cost to society. I may save that for another day. If not, I'm sure there are plenty of places online where you can get into discussions about that very thing.
When fighting a larger, better trained, and better equipped force, one tactic that the smaller force uses is guerrilla warfare. There are stages to guerrilla warfare, and I'm working from memory on a military text I read on the subject so bear with me here. I don't have the book at hand right now, and even though I'm almost certain it made the move with me, it's in storage with the rest of my stuff on the other side of the state.
The first stage is basically organization/recruiting, and propaganda. The next is when the guerrillas have enough strength to actually carry out military operations, albeit on a small and sometimes limited basis. This is where you start to see sniping, ambushes, bombings, that kind of thing. After that, the guerrillas make life fucking miserable for the larger force, basically by stepping up the previous stage. At some point, guerrilla conflicts eventually evolve into conventional conflicts.
It's not necessary for EVERY stage to be hit, and it's entirely possible to go from stage four back to stage 2 (a terrible defeat in a conventional battle could bring this about, for instance).
One of the things that really stuck with me when learning about guerrilla warfare was in a military manual on the subject. I have to paraphrase here, because, again, I don't have the book with me.
So long as the guerrillas remain committed to fighting, it is next to impossible to defeat them as a movement. If handed a significant defeat, the guerrillas will just fall back, lick their wounds, re-arm, and recruit. The only truly effective way to counter a guerrilla campaign is to get the guerrillas to agree to stop fighting. To do this, the government must address the grievances that made them take up arms in the first place.
I don't know about you, but that part about not being able to defeat them really buried itself in my mind. The only way to end the fighting is to fix whatever has them willing to kill and/or die for.
The reason for this is simple: so long as ONE guerrilla remains alive and willing to fight, the war will go on. That one will recruit and train more. One determined individual becomes ten thousand armed combatants.
And govt. actions serve only to create more guerrillas. We don't need to look any further than our (the US and NATO) involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq to see that. A drone launches a missile at what the operator THINKS is a terrorist camp. A wedding reception gets blown up. The survivors, who may have been neutral before, now hate the side who sent the drone. We saw this in Vietnam, where VC were created by the actions of American forces and their South Vietnamese allies. When your only wealth is a water buffalo, and an air strike kills the water buffalo and destroys your rice paddy, the chances of you looking favorably upon the people that sent the plane are slim to none.
Government actions create guerrillas. By attempting to crack down on the guerrillas, the government becomes the best recruiter for them.
In my opinion, the Gender War is mostly at stage two to three, with some aspects of stage four. The MRAs are the closest thing we have to a conventional force, though they are still hopelessly outgunned by the forces of the femimarxists. PUAs are like the guerrillas doing ambushes, and MGTOW are like the guys destroying bridges, communication towers, and other infrastructure.
Every time the femimarxist forces achieve a victory (a man gets raped by a divorce, another anti-male law is passed), more guerrillas are created. They see our forces swelling, so they step up the pressure with more laws, more propaganda. But they only succeed in creating even MORE of us.
They can't beat us. So long as ONE man would rather GHOW, we won't be stopped. That one will open the eyes of another, maybe more. Those he unplugs from the Matrix will in turn liberate the minds of others. Until we're right back where we're at.
The place that my analogy falls apart is victory. If the guerrillas eventually win (and they almost always do), they typically either reconcile with the old regime or eradicate them. Either way, the people of the country in question get back to living their lives, and the country rebuilds.
In this war, for many there will be no reconciliation. Even if every law and policy that destroys men in favor of women were repealed tomorrow, even if female nature could be changed to eliminate vine-swinging, hypergamy, Briffault's Law, etc., there are great many men who would never go back to the plantation. They've seen marriage and relationshits for what they are, and want no part of it. They will continue their MGTOW Guerrilla campaign until the day they die.
More and more I find myself in this camp. No matter how the laws are changed, no matter how society's views and attitudes change, I don't want to ever get married again. That was, without a doubt, the worst mistake I ever made. Even if women were to do a total change, I'd still be basically enslaving myself to another person. No thank you.
Whether us holdouts are enough to make the whole idea useless is debatable. Personally I think it's mental masturbation, because unless someone can find a way to completely re-wire the female brain, the problems that have gotten us to this point will NEVER go away. Hypergamy will always exist. Women will always get 'bored' with their husbands and bang the biker gang down the way. They will never be satisfied with anything, and will continue to make the men around them miserable because THEY are miserable creatures.
And so The War will go on. If ever we get to the point that the femimarxists have been overthrown, they'll just do another thing common to guerrilla warfare: become the new guerrillas and continue the fight.
And we'll start the whole mess all over again.
Hopefully I managed to keep those writings at least somewhat on-track. One of these days I'm going to have to actually do that whole 'rough draft' thing. The problem is, I've never done that unless forced to, by a teacher for example. I like to just let writing flow, and if I need to edit it I do so while writing.
My Bad
To anyone who's comments were deleted:
I won't attempt to accept comments on my phone anymore. Fucking phone....POS. I deleted on accident instead of accepting.
I truly dislike this phone. My old one was SO much better (but I don't have a contract now, so....meh).
This will be the last Samsung product I buy. Partly because I dislike it, and mostly because of their recent ad making men out to be some kind of stupidfuck cavemen who need a woman to help them through life.
If you commented on something recently, feel free to do so again. This time I won't use my phone.
I won't attempt to accept comments on my phone anymore. Fucking phone....POS. I deleted on accident instead of accepting.
I truly dislike this phone. My old one was SO much better (but I don't have a contract now, so....meh).
This will be the last Samsung product I buy. Partly because I dislike it, and mostly because of their recent ad making men out to be some kind of stupidfuck cavemen who need a woman to help them through life.
If you commented on something recently, feel free to do so again. This time I won't use my phone.
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