Thursday, May 30, 2013

Captain Capitalism's blog

One of the blogs I discovered recently is Captain Capitalism. A lot of good reading there, especially if you are interested in economics (which I am...I really liked it in college, even though it was one of those 'filler' classes for engineering).

I don't always agree with everything he says (I STRONGLY disagree with the post about "The 80/20 Rule", because he believes in NAWALT and I don't), but he's intelligent and strikes me as VERY Libertarian, both of which I respect.

I'm also reading, and enjoying, his book, "Enjoy the Decline". If you haven't bought a copy, I suggest you consider doing so. 

Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with Captain Capitalism, nor am I getting any kind of kickbacks or anything for linking to his blog or plugging his book. I simply enjoy reading what he writes and watching the few videos I've watched thus far.


  1. Yup. The guy has the balls as thick as steel and always honestly speaks his mind even when you wanna disagree with what he says completely, which for me is pretty rare actually.

    I don't think feminism as as big of a problem, but when you have topless Femen protesters being complete hypocrites here, you know something has to be really wrong with the most radical form of the feminist movement. Feminism by itself doesn't seem like a bad idea at all and even compatible with libertarianism depending on how you look at it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I guess that's a matter of opinion. Personally I think feminism is incompatible with ANY political view/system other than its parent, Marxism.

    Have you read "Enjoy the Decline"? I finished it a while back. In my opinion, it's a good read, and worth the cover price. I've been at least partially aware of the destination that the road the West is on for a while now, but it was still a good use of my time. If someone is just starting to figure out that things aren't right, it's a great starting point I think.

    *Reposted because apparently I can't spell right now, nor find any way to edit my own comment.
