Friday, May 31, 2013


Holy damn am I tired. The past 4 days I've totaled probably 58 hours at work, and I get to work BOTH my days off. I'm so tired right now I'm not even going to play Battlefield 3. Haven't played all week.

Have some ideas floating around in my head for "Make you think" type posts. So Be On the Look Out for those soon.

The good thing about all this overtime is, I can get caught up on a couple more bills from the mountain of debt that my psychotic ex left me under. And the sooner I get caught up on some of them, the sooner I can get more tattoos.

I has a happy.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Captain Capitalism's blog

One of the blogs I discovered recently is Captain Capitalism. A lot of good reading there, especially if you are interested in economics (which I am...I really liked it in college, even though it was one of those 'filler' classes for engineering).

I don't always agree with everything he says (I STRONGLY disagree with the post about "The 80/20 Rule", because he believes in NAWALT and I don't), but he's intelligent and strikes me as VERY Libertarian, both of which I respect.

I'm also reading, and enjoying, his book, "Enjoy the Decline". If you haven't bought a copy, I suggest you consider doing so. 

Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with Captain Capitalism, nor am I getting any kind of kickbacks or anything for linking to his blog or plugging his book. I simply enjoy reading what he writes and watching the few videos I've watched thus far.

Experimenting with a new look

I decided to change things up a little bit. This SHOULD make it easier to find older posts, as well as links that I want to share. Not that there are a lot of posts yet, but maybe someday...haha. Also, having a Links (zwo drei vier) section means not having to wade through ALL the posts for a link you want.

I'm such a considerate guy, right?

Yes, well, it also makes it easier for me to see what I've already shared.

So, what do you think of the new look?

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The True Nature Of Women

In case you haven't already come across this in your surfing of teh Interwebz, I offer the following article:

The True Nature of Women

A great read. One of the things I like the most about it, besides its content, is the source. If you don't know who Roosh is, Google him and the results will explain for themselves. If you DO, then I really don't need to explain.

I wonder if all the pussybegging mangina/white knight simp PUAs are now going to launch shaming attacks on him? He is (was?) one of their idols, and even HE is changing his tune lately.

As the poster "ubermensch" said on my favorite forum, "We are witnessing, in real time, the fall of a culture and society."

Agreed, brother.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Shaming Article - What If Men Stopped Chasing Much-Younger Women?

The author of the piece of garbage in question is...well, NOTHING, basically. He's a mangina through and through. A male feminist. Basically, he's a traitor. But the article was shared for ripping apart at my favorite forum, and I took part in said ripping. I'm not going to post the entire article here, just a bunch of quotes and the web address for this particular piece of trash from the scumpouch Hugo.

A warning to the TL;DR crowd: this post is going to be long. Very, very long. 


"If there's one tangible thing that men can do to help end sexism—and create a healthier culture in which young people come of age—it's to stop chasing after women young enough to be their biological daughters. As hyperbolic as it may sound, there are few more powerful actions that men can take to transform the culture than to date, mate, and stay with their approximate chronological peers. If aging guys would commit to doing this, everyone would benefit: older men and younger men, older women and younger women."

I fail to see a) how dating someone younger is sexism, b) why on Earth it is the responsibility of men to end sexism, c) why men would even WANT to, and d) how your proposed 'solution' is even relevant to the issue (whatever that may be).

Let's look at a) through d) point-by-point.

A) People dating and/or marrying whosoever they choose is only sexism if one goes by the definition put forth by feminists/liberals/other assorted Marxists. Which, conveniently, amounts to 'anything that any woman, anywhere, can get offended about'. Since people dating whoever they want to, rather than who someone else thinks they should, is a great example of the free market at work, I can see why Marxists would be against it. After all, free markets encourage competition. People will better themselves to attract a mate that meets their expectations for attractiveness, personality, etc. And men in their 30s, 40s, or beyond are free to choose women in their 20s. Marxists absolutely HATE anyone being able to make their own choices, rather than the Marxists making choices for them.

B) It's sexism when some woman, somewhere gets offended, chivalry when a woman likes it; dominance when a man takes charge and she likes it, sexism when she doesn't. It can be the same action each time. Let's say I hold a door open for a woman who's juggling three bags of groceries and a screaming toddler. Some women will be grateful, others indignant. Same action, different results. The problem most assuredly is NOT on MY end, but rather that of the female. It's not MY responsibility to adjust my actions to her mood; rather, it is HER responsibility to see my actions for what they are, a polite gesture.

C) Tell me again why I, or any other man, should care? A war has been waged against us for decades, destroying everything that is us. Masculinity is shamed, fathers have been sent to the Spares Bin, the court system is severely weighted AGAINST us IN FAVOR OF women, in pretty much every aspect you care to name but especially when it comes to divorce and child custody. So why in the gods' names would we want to do ANYTHING that can allegedly make things better for women? Only a thirsty simp, sniveling mangina, or scumpouch white knight would want such a thing.

D) "Men dating younger women is sexism and needs to stop".....That's the best you could come up with? REALLY???!?!?? And people PAY you to write this tripe? I sincerely hope you're getting paid by the word, and not by how much sense or relevance your 'articles' contain. But I'll play along for a few minutes. Suppose that men in their 30s and above were to decide tomorrow to only date women within 3 years of their own age. How is that going to solve 'sexism'? If I wife up a 32 year old woman, will that suddenly make me immune to being raped in divorce court, and having any theoretical children we might have stolen from me? Will putting a ring on a woman that hit the wall 10 years ago keep me from having to pay vagimony when she pulls the eject lever? Does enslaving myself to a twice-divorced mother of four who graduated high school in 1986 magically mean that I'll have a wife that actually treats me like a person, and respects me for ME, rather than disrespecting me, treating me like a slave, and considering me nothing more than a walking ATM and her Alternate Retirement Plan?

"This proposal flies in the face of everything we're taught is normal and inevitable. Take the case of Johnny Depp, who turns 50 next month. His new girlfriend, actress Amber Heard, just turned 27. Described as acting like a "besotted teenager," the thoroughly middle-aged Depp is reportedly eager to start a new family with Heard, who wasn't yet born when he made his film debut in 1984's Nightmare on Elm Street. Last year, Depp separated from his long-time girlfriend (and mother of his two childen) Vanessa Paradis, shortly before she turned 40."

How about we DON'T take the case of Johnny Depp? I know that you are leaving out a lot of information. Critical information. He didn't just wake up one day, realize he was married to a post-Wall hag who sags everywhere that attractive women DON'T, and decide to divorce her. Very, VERY few men do this, and those who have the kind of money he has are much less likely to do so. Divorce is expensive because it's worth it, but it's even MORE expensive for men like Mr. Depp.

"Ours, as Buchanan documented, is a culture which represents men's sexual desirability as being as enduring as women's is fleeting."

"Men age like fine wine; women age like milk."

Our culture doesn't represent "men's sexual desirability as being as enduring as women's is fleeting"...that's just the way it is. On average, a man will be more attractive in his 30's than he was in his late teens. He'll also have several other traits women look for, such as financial stability.

"It's certainly not just graying celebrities like Depp who rob the cradle."

'Rob the cradle'? Newsflash, boyo: your shaming won't work on me, or anyone else who lets logic and reason guide them through life. Simps, manginas, and white knights may respond, but who really cares what they think anyway?

"Research on the preferences of users of OK Cupid, one of America's most popular dating sites, indicates that 'men show a decided preference for younger women, especially as the men get older... so, even though men and women are more-or-less proportionately represented on the site, men's decided preference for younger women makes for many fewer potential dates for women'.
Um, no.....If there are X number of men, and Y number of women, then the number of potential dates for women is X. Only if X decreases are there fewer potential dates for women. You really should have thrown some kind of qualifier in there, such as "fewer potential dates for women WHO ARE 30 OR OLDER". Have I mentioned my disbelief that you could possibly get paid to write? That was a very simple logic and math exercise. And you failed. Miserably.

"According to that tale, heterosexual men who have the sexual or financial cachet to do so almost invariably leave the partners who aren't young enough to be their daughters for the women who are."

Generally it's not 'leaving' the older women, it's 'not getting involved with them in the first place'. Huge difference. My gods, did you really pass high school level English classes?

"In the popular imagination, men do this because they can—and because they're presumably answering the call of evolutionary and biological imperatives that push them irresistibly towards younger women."

No imagination to it; again, it's fact. In cases like Depp, it's made even easier by No-Fault divorce laws (which feminists were so adamant about wanting). And there's no 'presumably', either. Biology is a powerful thing. Even more powerful than the feminists who have tried for decades to rewire people to ignore biology. News flash: it doesn't work that way, and it can't work that way. And as a species we'd better hope and pray that it NEVER works.

Younger females are more fertile and less prone to giving birth to babies with defects, having a miscarriage, or any of the probably hundreds of things that can go wrong with the pregnancy process. Plain and simple, cut and dried. I suspect most men are like me, in that if I'm looking for a mother for my children, I want one that's going to have the best chance of giving birth to a live, perfectly healthy child, as well as her surviving the ordeal and being able to do it again at some point. I most definitely do NOT want a woman who's pregnancy can best be described as 'dicey', and who's age will put the chance of birth defects somewhere above 50%.

"What seems harmless and natural, however, is neither. A culture in which older men value younger women more than their own female peers does damage to everyone.
This is about the way in which young women come of age surrounded by reminders that they are at their most desirable when they are still at their most uncertain and insecure. Some young women are attracted to older men (for a host of possible reasons), but even these find too many men who are, in the end, deeply unsafe.

And you're qualified to make these statements HOW, exactly? I'm not talking about the one relating to female desirability; you're spot-on with that. Women ARE at their peak in their early 20s. I wouldn't go so far as to say that they're at their most uncertain and insecure at that time. I'd probably put that period at 11-13. By the time a woman hits her 20s, she's generally been riding the Cock Carousel for six years (sometimes more). She's had over a dozen partners, if not several score. She's been indoctrinated by feminist propaganda for two entire decades. She's developed an entitled, bitchy attitude. And, most importantly, she hasn't had The Wall re-introduce reality into her life. She's still able to get by on her looks alone, instead of having to work to support herself (you know, like MEN have to do), nor see the big THREE-OH looming and realize that she's still single. No, she's definitely not at her most uncertain and insecure.

"It's not just women who lose out as a consequence of this fixation on the older man, younger woman ideal. Ask women in their teens and 20s who are in relationships with older men about guys their own age, and you'll invariably hear laments about young men's immaturity. That callowness is often oversold by too many aging Lotharios wanting to emphasize the difference between their own supposed expertise and young men's clumsiness. The reality is that just as many young women "grow up too quickly" as a result of older men's attention, many young men grow up too slowly because of a lack of it. If men over 40 spent half as much time mentoring guys under 30 as they do chasing women in that age bracket, more young men might prove excellent partners to their female peers."

There is so much fail here, I'm not certain where to start.

Women are primarily attracted to two things: money and power. It doesn't have to be the kind of power to send an army to smash a country, though that certainly helps. Nor does it have to be Texas Oil Tycoon levels of wealth, though there isn't a woman alive who wouldn't spread her legs for a man who is sufficiently rich enough.

A man who's 10 years older than his prospective partner has life experience that younger men don't (and not JUST in the bedroom), and also tends to be more secure financially than men the same age as the woman in question. Even after going through a divorce and being buried under a mountain of debt, there are very few 18 year olds who can compete with me when it comes to having discretionary cash. I don't have to worry about whether I can afford to take a woman out for dinner. I don't have to choose between date night and making my car payment. And yes, I'm much better in the bedroom than I was at 19. Much. Better.

Why would I 'mentor' guys under 30? Let's assume for a second that I was just like all the Coppertops out there (a thirsty simp); I'm directly competing with approximately 49% of the population when it comes to getting the girl. If you were playing football, would you stop running for the end zone and hand the ball to the other team? I realize you've probably never played a sport in your life, but try using your imagination for a second. The point of a sport is to WIN. In this 'sport' (pussyhound), the point is to bed females. Unless the female in question isn't one that I want, I'll be competing with, quite literally, thousands of other males. Some of them WILL have me beat in the Appearance department. Why in the gods names should I give them even more of an advantage?

"Many people who concede that older men's obsession with younger women is disillusioning and destabilizing insist that the sexual choices of men like Johnny Depp are driven by natural imperatives. That's not quite what the science shows. Research on age disparate relationships does find a biological case for older men choosing slightly younger women; a 2007 study of 11,000 Swedes found that the most fecund men were those with partners six years younger than themselves. The strategic reproductive benefit of choosing a younger woman diminished as the age gap widened. According to the science, Depp was better matched with Paradis (nine years his junior) than with the new girlfriend."

Another paragraph that's bursting with FAIL...

First off, I wouldn't trust ANYTHING that came from Sweden. NO-THING. This is a country whose feminists (read: women) have so thoroughly destroyed the society that they had to pass laws to keep their men from marrying foreign women. Ouch, there's that whole 'free market' thing that Marxists hate so much.

Second, eleven thousand SOUNDS like an impressive number, until you realize that it's only 5500 couples. AND nothing was mentioned about their ages. For all we (the people reading the garbage you wrote) know, the females could all be under 24 and the men could all be in the 28-34 age range. In which case, the point you're trying to make would have been basically disproven.

"So if older men aren't pursuing much younger women because of evolutionary hardwiring, why do they? It's hard not to conclude that much of the appeal is about the hope of finding someone less demanding. A man in his 40s who wants to date women in their 20s is making the same calculation as the man who pursues a "mail-order bride" from a country with less egalitarian values. It's about the mistaken assumption that younger women will be more malleable. Men who chase younger women aren't eroticizing firmer flesh as much as they are a pre-feminist fantasy of a partner who is endlessly starry-eyed and appreciative. The dead giveaway comes when you ask middle-aged men why they prefer to date younger; almost invariably, you'll hear complaints that their female peers are too entitled, too embittered, too feminist."

"Even a blind squirrel finds a nut eventually". You are the proverbial blind squirrel.

Post-Wall women have a gigantic chip on their shoulder to go with their terrible entitlement attitudes. In a sane society there would be a bounty on them.

The desire isn't for a woman who's 'malleable', it's for one who's not cruel, hateful, mean, spiteful, conceited, and know, everything that a post-Wall woman IS.

I would say that feminism really screwed up a lot of women, but the theory I've heard is that feminism just removed the mask that women wore. I think that's accurate. I think that, in most regards, they were just as bad all throughout history, it's just that they don't make any effort to hide it anymore. And all the societal controls on the worst attitudes and behaviors of women have been removed, thanks to feminism. AND the very things that make men MEN have been destroyed, again thanks to feminism.

"One of the basic rules of tennis applies here: If you want to improve your skills, you need to play someone who is (at a minimum) at your own level. As sophisticated as a 20-something may be, she will be more so—with a more exquisite bullshit detector—in her 40s."

I don't play tennis. That is a game for queers and women.

In her 40s she will also have a MUCH worse attitude, a whole host of wrinkles (or have had cosmetic surgery or botox to alleviate them), her best parts will sag, and she will most likely have a couple of thugspawn from her years of riding the Cock Carousel. I made the mistake of getting involved with an older woman with kids before; it's not a mistake I will repeat.

"When older men date much younger women, they cheat themselves out of an opportunity to be matched with a partner with the maturity to see them as they really are."

I think what you meant was "see them as an alternate retirement plan, father-figure for their illegitimate thugspawn, or walking ATM". Shall I fix that for you? I should be getting a cut of your pay for writing this garbage, if I'm going to be fixing things for you.

"Depression, the research shows, peaks for men in their mid-to-late 40s."

I wonder if it's just a coincidence that this is also right around the time when most men are experiencing the joy of having their wife pull the eject lever on their marriage?

"If the older man/younger woman dynamic is less "natural" and more destructive than we imagined, how then to respond to couples that make that dynamic work?"

Oh, that's simple. DON'T. Leave them alone. Stop thinking that everyone has to conform to YOUR ideas about what's right and proper.

"It's like attending the wedding of a couple that gets together as the result of an affair: One can wish them every happiness without endorsing what led them there."

No. No, it's not. It's an entirely different animal altogether.

There's nothing wrong with people dating whoever they choose, regardless of the age differences involved. It's perfectly natural for men in their 30s and later to want attractive, fertile women who will birth healthy offspring.

A wedding of a couple that gets together as the result of an affair is an affront to the intelligence of pretty much anyone who isn't a slobbering liberal/feminist/Marxist. I have a sense of decency, therefor I will NOT wish them happiness. I will wish the cheater to get karmic justice.

"I'm not proposing that we shame every age-disparate couple."

Um, actually, that's EXACTLY what you're doing. 'Rob the cradle' sound familiar? As well as all the rest of the hogwash you spewed. It was just one big, long Shame Train.

"I am proposing that we challenge heterosexual middle-aged men to direct their sexual and romantic energies to their female peers."

Why? What possible reason would a man in his 30s have to be with a woman who has all the baggage that women in that age bracket have?

Also, while we're on the topic of challenge.....have you any idea what a challenge it is to get with a female in her early to mid 20s? If she's even halfway attractive, she has many, MANY options when it comes to men. And just because I'm better looking than I was at 21, and more financially stable, AND more worldly, doesn't mean I have an automatic "in" with these women. I'm competing with guys who have known her her entire life....went to school with her since kindergarten....I, on the other hand, have to break the ice and build some kind of rapport. That's a lot harder. I have yet to walk up to a 22 year old, show her my driver's license (age verification) and my pay stub, and bed her immediately.

Personally, I prefer Free Market Dating over having some chucklehead like you tell me who I should date and why. I'll date who I'm attracted to, plain and simple, cut and dried. If that means competing with men 15 years younger than me, so be it. Unlike my female age-peers, I have a lot going for me. If a woman can't see that, that is HER problem.

In case you want to read the entire load of rubbish, here's where you can find it. As always you'll need to replace the X's.

Alternately, perhaps you want to go have fun with the comments section. In which case I say:

Give 'em hell boys!


Sunday, May 19, 2013

*IF* I did hate women, this would be part of why

Any guy that doesn't pedestalize the pussy and spend every moment of their life trying to either bed the next woman or please the one they have is accused of hating women. I've been accused of it. I don't HATE them, I just realize the danger they pose and refuse to allow myself to be fucked over by one again. And let's face it, hate is a strong emotion and requires energy. It gives wymmin attention, which is a form of validation. They want ANY form of attention from men, even hate. The hamster works in strange ways, my friends.

But I found a good reason the other day to hate them, if I were inclined to do so.

I don't truly have a home right now. I have a place where most of my stuff is, and places that I crash on my days off, and where I stay when I'm working. The first two are on the other side of the state from the latter, and Montana is a big state.

After work on Friday I was on my way to my friend's place to crash there for the weekend, and stopped in Billings to pick up a few things and grab some food. I phoned in an order to Old Chicago Pizza (excellent pizza, btw), then went to pick it up after I finished getting a few things at the store I was in. As is typical, the pizza wasn't done yet, so I had a seat on the bench and waited, surfing MGTOW Forum and Fakebook while I waited.

A few minutes into my wait, a man and his son left. The kid was a little ahead, running along and saying hi and waving to everyone. Your typical friendly little kid. He smiled and said hi, and without thinking about the fact that I was talking to a child who was probably under 3 years old, I replied in my usual manner.

Me: Hey, how ya doin?

Kid: I'm good.

It was at this point that a little bit of the ice fell away from my cold, black heart. And at the same time, I died inside a little more.

I would very much like to have a son. Several, actually. I think I'd be a great father. I'd love to teach my boys how to hunt, fish, and shoot, go swimming, boating, floating, skiing, etc. with them, climb trees or rocks, help them learn trigonometry and physics, maybe play some hockey, all the good stuff dads get to do with their sons, or watch their sons do (school plays and the like).

But that will never happen. And it is 100% because of women.

Unplugging from the Matrix doesn't necessarily mean that one hates females. It just means you recognize the dangers they pose, and no longer consider cupcake to be some kind of perfect, special little snowflake. You know better.

I won't have any kids because I know the risks involved in having any kind of relationshit with women. I know that the chances are overwhelming that she'll bang some thug the minute she's out of sight. I know she's likely to get knocked up by said thug and try to make me think the kid is mine. I know that even if she doesn't cheat (and 90% of married women DO), she can pull the eject lever at any time and strip me of everything that matters. AND she'd be able to use the full weight and power of Big Daddy Government to do it, too. I could lose my home, my retirement (AGAIN!), all my possessions (AGAIN!), and be forced to pay her every month. And worst of all, she could keep me from seeing the sons that are the only reason I'd want to get involved with her in the first place, again with the full support of Big Daddy Government.

Women have made it so that only the stupid and naive will get involved with them for longer than it takes to Pump & Dump. And I am neither naive or stupid. So my genetic line dies with me.

And THAT, my friends, is as good of a reason to hate women as any.

And I still don't hate them.

More Wisdom from Vic

As you've probably noticed by now, I re-post the writings of members of the forums I go to sometimes. This is one of those times. Vic made an excellent post here, and I think it deserves to be read by those who read this page but not the forum it originated at. It's short but well worth your time.

I woke up in the middle of the night with this list in my head.

As God is my witness I could still hear a voice repeating this when I awoke. I need more sleep!

1. Do you know why women are involved in over 60% of child abuse cases? Because they’re nurturing.

2. Do you know why women are as likely to initiate domestic violence as men? Because they’re not violent.

3. Do you know why women initiate 70% of divorces? Because they’re not afraid of commitment.

4. Do you know why women steal men’s assets and kidnap their children? Because they’re moral.

5. Do you know why women put men in jail for the inability to pay child support when they lose their job? Because they’re compassionate and caring.

6. Do you know why women openly laugh when a man is tortured to death by having his penis amputated with a butcher’s knife? Because they’re naturally empathetic and have a good sense of humor.

7. Do you know why women steal their legless husband’s rehabilitation money when they come back from fighting a war? Because they’re kind and value relationships.

8. Do you know why women demand their husbands work themselves into an early grave so they can have a new car and kitchen remodel? Because they love God and value family.

9. Do you know why women demand special treatment and compensation from the companies they work for, the men they meet and the government they vote for? Because they’re independent and don’t need men.

10. Do you know why women sleep with entire football teams? Because they value monogamy.

You know why men shouldn’t marry?

Because signing a contract that can be unilaterally dissolved by a disgruntled partner, for any reason, so they can steal his house, his money, his children and his liberty, is not only irresponsible, it’s taking the liberty that God gave him and wiping his ass with it.

To sign a contract that abandons your liberty to a violent government is not just unconscionable; it’s an act of suicide and an act of disrespect to the people who care about you.

To execute a contract that no attorney would have you sign, even if the consequences you were dealing with what amounted to losing the trash in your garage is, to say the least, spitting on the gift of your God given liberty because of the irrational belief that YOU are a special cupcake that can avoid the live grenade.

To live in defiance of the undeniable is to die under the weight of undeniable consequences.

Where are all the good men?

They’ve already witnessed a lifetime of points 1 through 10.

Burn it.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Online ramblings of a moron: "Why Do Men 'Hate' Females?"

Let me begin by saying, I don't do Reddit. Or Twitter. Or any of the sites similar to them. Hell, it was the last few months of 2011 before I joined Facebook, and then only because a) friends that I rarely got to see were on there and it was a good way to stay in touch, and b) a girl I wanted to bang was on there (I met her at a friend's place). So I don't go searching thru Reddit looking for things to write about, or even read.

One of the guys on the main forum I visit posted an article from Reddit, written by a woman (OF COURSE!), entitled"Why Do Men 'Hate' Females?". I'm not going to re-post it here; it's really a load of hogwash, and I don't feel like insulting my readers' intelligence with it, nor adding a lump of text that could best be covered with "tl;dr, here's the summary". Nor will I post an active link. You'll have to put the t's in http yourself. I would prefer there not being anything leading'readers'....there to this page.


First off, she's made a couple of mistakes right from the get-go. "Attracting alphas"....she just admitted what those of us no longer in the Matrix, as well as PUAs, already know: unless you're a bad-boy thug, you can forget women until they're looking for a fat wallet to attach themselves to. Also, she assumes that we (men) hate women.

Obviously I can only speak for myself, but I can say honestly and without a doubt that I do not hate women. I have been accused of it, but those accusations have come from men so deeply embedded in the Matrix that they'll likely never get out. The opinions of Coppertops don't matter to me. I would imagine many women would make the same accusation, but again, their opinions don't matter to me either.

If I believed in NAWALT, I would like to have an attractive, intelligent NAWALT in my life. But I've reached the point where my belief in NAWALT is almost zero, and decreasing by the day. It's only a matter of time until any woman that seems NAWALT turns AWALT.

Hate? No. Apathy? Yes. Disgust? Disappointment? Resignation? Yes, yes, and yes. Just because I understand the nature and psychology of women, and recognize the dangers they pose to a man, doesn't mean I hate them. To me, that's like hating a dog for chasing rabbits. It's just how/what they are, you can't hate them for it.

After her initial mistakes, the author goes on to list a bunch of things that sound good, but in reality all she's doing is encouraging women to be even more manipulative and deceitful. I will give her props for several things, though: this one realizes that the problem is with WOMEN, not men (unlike the authors of all the "Where Have All the Good Men Gone?" articles), and she knows what lies at the very root of the problem. Unfortunately, she misses the mark by a pretty wide margin. Not only with the bit about "Lie your ass off by pretending to be what he wants", but also attributing false causes to male behavior. Men don't talk about the kind of things you'll read in the Manosphere in real life because talking about anything that doesn't conform to societal norms (Be a good little slave, man up and marry that used-up party girl slut, let her take you to the cleaners in the divorce, spend the rest of your life in slavery due to vagimony and child support, etc.) is a good way to, at the very least, lose your job.

I am fair, however, so I will give her points for at least recognizing some of the problems that are causing men to just say Fuck It to marriage and relationshits. But her solution is pure, unadulterated evil. Yes, we want a woman that actually gives a damn about us as something other than a walking ATM, emotional tampon, and sperm bank. But we want one that's genuine. Faking it is, in my opinion (and I'm sure plenty of other guys will agree with me), even worse than being everything that's bad/undesirable about modern women. "Better an honest enemy than a traitorous friend" and all that.

Another good reason to never cohabitate with a woman

Today I received links to a couple of stories that I'm going to share with you all. In case anyone reading this isn't entirely convinced that it's a bad idea to cohabitate (live with) a woman, even if you're not married, maybe this will help you out.

The first link

The second link

Yes, the second one is 5 years old. I had never seen it before. Heck, it was only recently that I'd even HEARD OF anything like this before.

If you're one of those guys who won't click on links, or you're reading this on a phone that is a pain to open multiple windows with, I'll sum it up.

You don't have to knock up a woman, or even marry her, for her to be able to get the court to loot you. Just living with one is enough. Vagimony for an ex-girlfriend who simply tells a sympathetic judge that you had a verbal agreement to support her even if the two of you broke up.


I'd heard about this kind of thing in Canada (where the .gov considers people who live together for 2 years or longer to be married) and Australia (where ex-mistresses and ex-girlfriends can take half of your stuff and half of your retirement), but this is the first I've heard of it in the US.

I would say "I have no words", but the fact is I do. I have a lot. How many of them are fit to print, OTOH, is a different story altogether.

I wish I could say that I'm surprised by this, but the fact is, I'm not.

Anyone still have doubts as to whether the system and women collaborate to loot men of anything and everything?

Monday, May 13, 2013

Does feminism actually encourage women to be lesbians until they start riding the cock carousel?

Yet another post inspired by a forum...

This time, someone posted a link from the NY Post about teenage girls creating moist spots in their panties over the suspect in the bombing at the Boston Marathon.

I'm going to be my usual straightforward self on this:

He looks like a bitch. It wouldn't surprise me if he wore girl pants and had a girl belt with all kinds of sparklies on it.

And these dumb little twats are going completely ape over him.

I'm reminded of the oldest stepmonster, before she turned into a total whore (at least, I'm pretty sure it was before that). She was the same way: she thought guys that wore girl pants, mascara, etc., were HAWT. She wasn't the only one her age, in the area, that was attracted to this type of 'guy', just the only one who lived in my house. Now I see this story that there are far too many (I don't know how many, nor do I give a shit) girls saying that the bombing suspect is HAWT.

It's a pretty common theme, girls thinking that effeminate males are 'hawt'. Sure, there are still the football sluts, and the sluts for musicians, and the regular old slut sluts, but it seems like the number of sluts being sluts for guys that look like girls has increased drastically.

Unless maybe they're not fucking them? I don't know. The stepmonster started out as a slut for musicians, then just went slut slut. She'd fuck anything with a hard dick, as long as he was dirty and didn't have a job or much chance at a future that didn't involve couch surfing at friends' homes or living in his car. Last time I saw her, she hadn't gotten over the effeminate male kick, though.

Thanks to the red pill, I understand a lot more about the nature of women. But I can't for the life of me remember anything about them being attracted to bitchmales. Thug cock, yes. Weaklings that they can sponge resources off of while fucking the thugs, yes. Males that look like females....not so much.

Are they all, deep down, lesbians until they start riding the cock carousel hard? Is that perhaps why the younger females really go for the creeps that wear girl pants?

If so, is this another thing we can lay squarely at the feet of feminism? Prior to feminism, a guy that wore girl pants and mascara would have gotten the shit kicked out of him. Right or wrong, that's just the way it was. If he didn't, he sure as hell wouldn't have had girls lined up by the hundreds to let him sniff their wet panties.

And yet, this bitchmale (who is accused of murdering several people, let's not forget) has them flocking to him for that very reason. He looks like he has a mop on his head, and he's got a weak, feminine face, and there are thousands of dumb twats who would throw themselves at him if they could.

It would be easy to say that it's because he's a criminal and women are fundamentally stupid, and that's why they're doing it. He's not a criminal until he's convicted, remember, though sadly I think we all know how this is going to turn out. "Fair trial" my ass, he's already been convicted, all that's left is Kangaroo Kourt and sentencing. Back on point, though, even if he wasn't a criminal, even if evidence had turned up that showed he was innocent of everything except overstaying a visa, and he was being held until he could be deported, I think we'd STILL see this kind of campaign from these dumb twats, simply because he's "hawt".

Since I don't make a habit of studying feminism, I don't know if it's minions are actively trying to get women to become fishmongers, but I DO think that all this "Girl don't need no man", "Girl you can do anything you want", "You GO grrrll!" and "Grrl pwrrr!" bullshit is having exactly that effect. Young females, who are even more impressionable than their older counterparts (and THAT is really saying something) hear these bullshit words, and maybe they're getting it in their heads that female traits and appearance are the ONLY traits and appearance that are desirable. Thus we see them thinking effeminate males are 'hawt'. Of course, after their hormones start really raging, they climb on the cock carousel and fuck any thug that comes along, but until they're into their ride, they go for bitchmales like the bombing suspect and all the dirty, girl pants-wearing, makeup-caking, pathetic excuse for a male dirtbags that the stepmonster used to "date".

Sometimes I'm really, really glad to be in my 30's. I'm really looking forward to that decreased libido that's supposed to happen any day now. It will be wonderful to not have ANY need or desire for women. Pretty much every day there's something else, something like the story in the Post, that proves once again everything I've learned about female nature and psychology over the last few months.

How many of us are looking forward to the invention of artificial wombs, and the Japanese perfecting their sex robots? My hand is in the air on that one. Those two inventions will spell the beginning of the end of human females. And neither of them can come soon enough.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Congratulations to Modern Women, Feminazis, White Knight Faggots, and Manginas

I came to a realization a while back that I haven't quite known how to express. But first some background about myself.

I grew up as your average LULZ Nice Guy, Mangina, White Knight Faggot. Didn't score a whole lot of tail in high school. Watched the girls go for scumbags every. fucking. time. Graduated and joined the military.

I scored high on the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, if I remember the name correctly). Hell, I've scored high on damn near every standardized test I've ever taken. Even though you can't always tell when I speak, I'm quite intelligent. I just learned a long time ago to dumb myself down when speaking to people who aren't on my level. Someday I'll have to share my experiences with the femcentric, man-destroying public education indoctrination system, and my torment at the hands of a fat, male-hating lesbian. But not today. I still don't like to think about those years, and it will probably take a while to bring the memories back to the surface. I'll need a couple bottles of rum or vodka and a night when I don't have to work the next day.

Back to the story.

I could have had any enlisted job I wanted in the military (only enlisted because I wasn't a college graduate, and we all know that college graduates make the best officers. *rolleyes*). Yes, I scored that high on the ASVAB. The National Guard recruiter was trying like mad to get me to join the Guard, talking about college money and all kinds of technical training and whatnot. I let him run his gib because, well, he kept bothering me during the period that I was a library aide, and I wanted to bang his daughter, who was usually in the library at the time. And as soon as I turned 18, I joined the Marine Corps and picked 0300 for my MOS. For those of you who don't know, 0300 is INFANTRY. I wanted to be a grunt. I have a misguided sense of adventure, and at the time I was so sick of school that I still consider it a small miracle that I graduated. There was no way in hell I was going to college right after high school, and really I just wanted to travel, drink, fuck, blow shit up, and kill people. Not necessarily in that order. The Navy went so far as to sent me propaganda about joining their Nuclear Propulsion program, with an $80,000 signing bonus and automatic promotion to E-5. Of course, they sent it AFTER I'd been in Marine Corps boot camp for a month or so....Fucking Navy. Always a day late. I really wanted to be a Marine, but $80k is a lot of fucking money, and I could have joined the Corps afterwards.

So I swore that oath to 'defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic'. And decided that I'd better know what the fuck I just pledged to protect with my life.

[It is at this point that I'm going to digress for just a brief moment, and say that either there are numerous red pills out there, or there are varying degrees of red pill.If you're reading this, you most likely have taken the red pill in regards to the Gender War, relations between the sexes, how fucking EVIL feminism is, whatever term you want to use. Even though I had some inkling that something wasn't right (Neo prior to meeting Morpheus), I didn't discover that part of the Matrix until early 2013, whereas I was aware of the .gov destruction of liberty and institution of tyranny part back in 1998 or so. Now I can say that, being fully aware of both, the former is much harder to accept. Hell, the lie that is the blue pill was the only thing that I really had to look forward to when I (partially, I now realize) unplugged from the Matrix. Yeah, my .gov was evil as fuck, and the UN was trying to squash freedom for the whole planet, but I had a good woman (LMMFAO now at THAT thought) at my side, and fuck it, some things are worth dying to protect. If you haven't before, I encourage you to look into the roots of the patriot/militia movement in the USA. Don't believe the lamestream media bullshit about them being a bunch of whackjobs and Nazis, do your own research like I did. Hell, maybe meet a few of them. Realize ahead of time that there are whackjobs and Nazis in damn near any group you care to think of, and THINK and conduct yourself accordingly. OK, enough of this. Back to the topic at hand.]

Over the next few years, I realized that the only way I could honor my oath would have been to invade Washington, District of Corruption, and remove every crooked, fat bastard politico and bureaucrat in the place. Best bet would be to just follow the advice offered in the movie Aliens: "Nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."

I saw the USS Cole get blown up, and America did nothing. I saw the embassies in Kenya and Tanzania get blown up, and America sent basically a reinforced platoon of Marines to provide security for the interim embassy. Attacks on our people and interests, and our .gov did NOTHING. The only time we did much of anything was when Bill Clinton wanted to distract people from the wanderings of his dick. A multimillion-dollar cruise missile was launched at an aspirin factory, and a janitor was killed. Holy whatthefuck Batman. This on top of selling missile technology to China, the Clinton Body Count (look that up sometime), and the various scandals that showed just how low the standards of the American people have gotten when it comes to leaders.

And George Bush was no better. Right after he took office, the Chinese stole one of our Navy aircraft and held the crew hostage while they dismantled the plane, downloaded every bit of information in the computers onboard, and probably stole at least a few tech secrets. And what did we do? Our wonderful President grovelled to the Red Chinese to pretty please give our airplane back...oh yeah and if you wouldn't mind, can we have the crew, too?

So when the planes slammed into the World Trade Center and Pentagon, I figured we were just going to pussyfoot around with the scumbags that did it, get some of our own people killed, and have nothing to show for it except a lot of fat bastards in Washington, as well as their puppetmasters, gaining a few million more dollars in their bank accounts. And I'd be gods-damned if I was going to get MY ass shot or blown up so some fat fuck could buy another private jet this year.

Even though my enlistment expired, my oath hadn't, as far as I was concerned. There was nothing on my DD-214 (discharge papers, for my lifelong civilian friends and my friends overseas) saying that I was released from the oath I took. And even though the government was corrupt as all holy fuck, I thought that the ideas represented by the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, and yes, even the people of this country, were worth defending, even against 'my' own government. Even at the cost of my life. Yes, I was a fucking naive fool. Go ahead and say it. I know you're thinking it. I can admit to it.

Years later I would pass on a lot of the skills I had learned in the military to men who would later become very close friends of mine, by becoming a part of and then training several militias in the state I was living in. I'm not an egotistical fuck by any means, so please realize that I'm not tooting my own horn when I say that I was directly responsible for the training and improvement of most of the (public) militias in Ohio. I went from just kind of offering suggestions to a couple of guys in one group, to basically taking over the training for that group, to running my own group within another organization, to planning and executing the training of what we considered the most crucial skills for new members for that ENTIRE, state-wide organization. At one point, I was teaching patrolling skills to something like 65 people in one class.

I was dedicated. A lot of my off time from work (not to mention my pay) was devoted to coming up with training topics and schedules, improving my own skills so that I could teach others, finding training areas, meeting with potential members, you name it.

I should probably mention that there are a lot of conspiracy theorists out there, believing everything from reptoids and Rockafeller takeovers to CIA mind control beams and such. While I get a kick out of that stuff (it's amusing what some people believe), and I like a GOOD conspiracy theory, I don't buy into that junk. By GOOD conspiracy theory I mean one that is plausible, indeed even quite possible. Some of the Kennedy Assassination conspiracy theories fall into this category. Yes, Oswald COULD have pulled it off on his own. And there COULD have been numerous shooters, Oswald being one of them. Oswald COULD have had absolutely nothing to do with it. It's amusing and fun to think about, but at the end of the day there's nothing I or anyone else can really do about it at this point. But I still like the fact that both the official explanation and some of the 'alternate' explanations are both equally plausible. Reptoids, or Martian plots to control the world's ice cream supply? Meh, not so much.

When my marriage went to shit, I became inactive for various reasons. Mostly it had to do with motivation. I'm not ashamed to admit that there were a lot of days, entire weekends even, that the only time I left the house was to go to the store to buy soda and frozen pizzas for lunch and dinner. Other than that I either fucked off online (message boards, Facebook, porn), watched NCIS or cartoons, or played video games. I think I played Battlefield: Bad Company 2 for about 18 hours straight one day. I kept having to recharge my controllers and microphone.

Even though I wasn't actively training anymore, my views hadn't changed. And I was still helping out with training ideas and such. I figured I'd get back into it at some point. Even after moving across the country, I thought I'd go back to a militia group someday. My girlfriend at the time seemed OK with it, so again my stupidretardedass thought "I've got a good woman at my side".

Then came my TRUE awakening. My ACTUAL unplugging from the Matrix. I was a Coppertop no more.

And boy oh boy did my attitude change. I realized what a naive fucking TOOL I was back then. I realized that there is truly NOTHING in this society that's worth me risking my health, indeed my very LIFE, to protect. It's completely fucking rotten. And since I'm male, I'm viewed as nothing more than a walking ATM, workhorse, and expendable asset by the .gov, feminazis, and women in general. They only give a fuck about me when they need someone to blame all the ills of the world on or extort cash and/or resources from, or when they need someone to protect them from their own bad decisions or the fallout from their actions, lift something heavy, open a jar, or just be a fucking worthless faggotass White Knight.


So congratulations, you fucking scumpouch pieces of shit.

Modern women, feminists, manginas, and white knight faggots accomplished what the UN, tyrants, and all the various conspiracy theory bad guys couldn't: they took the fight out of me.

As Captain Capitalism suggests, I'm just trying to Enjoy the Decline. There's nothing about New Rome that's worth risking my life for, so I won't. When it all comes crashing to the ground, on fire, I won't be one of those chuckleheads out there getting my ass shot off trying to save an idea, or protecting deh wimminz from what they have earned.

There's a saying, "Ignorance is bliss". In some ways, I agree. It may not actually be bliss, but it certainly is easy. It's easy to go through life not realizing just how fucked up and corrupt the .gov is, how they're trying to strip us of our rights and turn us all into slaves, how various organizations such as the UN are working toward the same goal but on a global, rather than national, level. It's easy to think that there is that One Woman out there, who will be a loving, faithful wife, bear your children, be your companion until one of you is lowered into the ground.

It's easy, because all you have to do is NOT open your eyes to reality. It's easy, but it's a lie. Or maybe a series of lies would be more accurate. Big fucking lies.I was going to write a bit in here about how Hitler accused the Jews of using the Big Lie because the average person will tell small lies, but not great big ones, and thus find it easier to accept a Big Lie as the truth. But I'm having a hell of a time finding a way to tie it in to this paragraph. Mostly because I'm thinking about the Chinese food restaurant a couple blocks away, and wondering if they have a dinner buffet, since I would prefer to get a small amount of a bunch of different dishes, or I have to order just one dish, which then makes me wonder if I might just end up nuking a can of soup and having that for dinner tonight. None of which is relevant.

Is it even appropriate to congratulate those scumpouch pieces of shit? After all, I doubt they were ACTIVELY trying to get me to just say fuck it. They would prefer that I remain a faithful little Coppertop, slaving away to enrich some ungrateful woman, donning the armor of the white knight faggot to save the twats from their own bad decisions, sacrificing my life to keep the system going or just to keep some random twat from getting an ass-beating (which she almost assuredly DESERVES) from whatever thug piece of shit she's either getting knocked up by or has already been knocked up by. They would much rather I remain a cog in the machine. Every man that removes himself from the machine increases the rate of wear, and as we all know, things can only wear so much before they break down.

Then again, we congratulate people for all kinds of stupid things, like knocking a twat up or being a twat and GETTING knocked up, so maybe it is entirely appropriate to congratulate them for this. I don't know.

Since I'm being sarcastic about my congratulating them anyway, it doesn't matter one way or the other. And even if I wasn't being sarcastic, I don't give a fuck anymore what someone else considers appropriate. I have my own ideas regarding propriety, and they don't always jive with those of society (though to be fair, mine are often almost always more stringent).

Perhaps this has given you some more insight into the cold, dark recesses of my mind. Maybe it just gave you a couple of chuckles, or a way to kill a few minutes that was slightly more entertaining than trying to lodge pencils in the ceiling above your cubicle. Either way, it was an idea that's been kicking around in my head for a day or two, and I'm trying to get better about adding posts here. I'm still working on getting together a list of some of the websites that've helped me unplug from the Matrix, just in case anyone reading this blog hasn't found some of them yet. So look for that in the near future.

Right now, I think there's some fried rice and sweet and sour chicken calling my name. Peace, brothers.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Something I'd like to share with you all

On one of the forums I frequent, there are numerous posts that I think should be shared all over teh Interwebz, for whatever reason. A new way of looking at some of the issues we face, or very thought-provoking, uplifting, or just hilarious. I don't usually share them like I'd like to because I don't update this nearly as much as I'd like. Between not always having something to say that I think needs shared, work stuff, and my near-addiction to Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 3, I don't write much on here, or even on the forums I visit. And that will likely get worse, since I just bought Borderlands 2. :) Oh yeah, and Battlefield 4 comes out this fall. That will put a serious dent in my free time, I already know it. Plus now that I can afford it, I've been spending more time fishing, and since I have money to replace any ammo I burn up I'll most likely be doing a lot of shooting over the coming months, and then there's hunting season in the fall....well, I'm sure you can see where this is going. I will make an effort to write more, though.

If you've given this page even a cursory reading, you most likely saw "Why Modern Women are Like the Wehrmacht". Well, here is another forum post in that same vein. This message (the 'feminism = Nazism' message) needs to be spread around the entire Interwebz. Maybe, just maybe, it will encourage a few people to think, and wake a couple of Coppertops up so they can begin unplugging themselves from the Matrix. I doubt it, but stranger things have happened, right?

And so, without further ado, I give you the writings of the poster known as fester....

Once upon a time, one of the most advanced (if not the most advanced) countries in Europe, having been plunged into bankruptcy and chaos, elected a cadre of evil people (politicians) who had a plan to take over the entire society, and control the people in it utterly and completely.

This cadre of politicians had new technology to suppress a large population; radio, mass media, movies, all of which came under the control of the state. There was no internet to balance things out, and if there was, you would probably be arrested for using it.

The first relatively small ethnic group was targeted as being the cause of all the people's ills, and they were endlessly paraded and blamed for everyone's problems, until widespread public hatred boiled over, and genocide of this hated minority was undertaken without a murmur of protest.

The government intruded more and more into the lives of the people until it became dangerous to even confide in a close relative that you had any reservations at all about what was going on.

Keep your head down and cheer with the crowd seemed to be a good survival strategy.

Other people are disappearing? Just be glad it's not you.

We all know the disaster that befell that society, after taking along with it millions of lives, and the cities and treasures of that civilization should never have been destroyed.

That was eighty years ago. Now we men (or at least a good percentage of us) are being held up by the government and media as a problem. We are rapists (or potential rapists), swine, lowdown stupid troglodytes who cannot be trusted near women or children.

We must have our livelihoods, money, actions and even our thoughts and opinions controlled by State Law.

And the laws grow more unfair and misandrist with every passing day.

Men and boys are becoming, by design, the new hated minority in our modern era. We are being designated so by a small (numerically) but powerful lobby who hates us, and wishes to destroy us as the last bulwark against total control...of everyone.

Impossible, you say? It has already happened, and not just in Nazi Germany. And it can/will happen again. The template is there, the technology is even more advanced.

Why do you think there are so many laws targeting men? Why is the propaganda drumbeat so incessant? Why are even boys targeted for mental, emotional and financial dissipation? Why do the PTB want to disarm everyone? Why are all the manufacturing jobs being sent to other countries? Why are the good excoriated and the bad celebrated in the Media?

Do you think it is all just mistakes, that there is a "greater good" behind all of this jockeying for control?

No. It is being done. Slowly, deliberately, over years. The older of us will be gone in a few decades, the new generations will be more pliable, as they have been indoctrinated since toddlerhood by feminist mothers, teachers, social scientists, school psychologists, mass media, the whole rotten system in it's entirety.

I'm ending this rant with a link to a YT video on how the Nazi party used modern propaganda and mass media techniques to jockey themselves into control of a modern technologically advanced country of eighty million souls. I'm not embedding this video, because it deals with a touchy subject, if this is inappropriate, mods please delete.

I guess my point is that we are not immune from this happening again.

The Power of Nazi Propaganda

Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Insanity Train is still rolling.

Do you ever wonder when the amount of insanity and sheer stupidity in Western societies will stop? We *have* to reach a tipping point sometime, right? Whether it's the long, slow march toward righting all the wrongs that have been inflicted on our societies by Marxism and its offshoots such as feminism, or a sudden collapse followed by (insert your apocalyptic vision here), things can't keep going the way they have been, and corrective action has to happen some day.

Well, that day isn't today. And probably not tomorrow. The day after, and the day after that, and the month (and year) after that aren't looking too good either.

Yet more proof of how mentally challenged American society has become

In summary:

A bunch of women were unhappy that they couldn't get jobs with the Chicago fire department, because *GASP* fire departments have physical standards that must be met in order to be a fireman. Fire hoses aren't garden hoses; they've got a little more weight to them. Add in the protective gear and SCBA that firemen wear, and it's easy to see why you need to be able to lift and carry a fairly heavy load. And we haven't even gotten to the part about breaking down doors to save people trapped inside, climbing ladders WHILE carrying the aforementioned heavy load, or carrying someone who's passed out from smoke inhalation.

But facts and logic only confuse women. Along with math, science, and finances/economics, they are just tools of the patriarchy, used to oppress 'deh poow wymminz'.

These women failed to meet the physical standards. So what did they do? Did they work out, aiming to improve their physical abilities by running with a heavy pack on and lifting weights?

They did things the "New American Way"....they sued the city of Chicago.

Yes, you read that right. They dragged the city into court because they weren't good enough and it huwt dewr widdle feewings.

So Chicago re-wrote the test to be "more accurate" (read: EASIER), and the whining non-hackers are going to get another go at it. And if they pass, they are to be given first priority for jobs.

But here's the kicker:
"Those who are not granted jobs, no longer want to apply or are ineligible will share about $2 million in damages, said Willenson."

"Those longer want to apply...will share about $2 million in damages".

Damages. Damages? WTF??? They were given an opportunity to take the test; they failed. They are NONHACKERS, there are no 'damages'.

Standards should never be lowered. They exist for a reason, especially in certain professions. Firefighter is definitely one of those professions. Is a 115 pound female, who has very little upper body strength precisely BECAUSE she's female, going to be able to throw a 230 pound smoke inhalation victim over her shoulder and carry them out of a burning building? Remember, she's already wearing/carrying probably 40-60 pounds of equipment/protective gear.

I truly doubt it.

This little gem from Sweden ought to give you some idea of where this situation is headed

ELEVEN TIMES LONGER to breach a door. Anyone on the other side is most likely going to be dead after that much time has passed.

Just more victims to be sacrificed on the altar of EOE gender equality feminism. Living burn victims and charred corpses are a small price to pay to advance the cause of cultural Marxism feminism. If the victims are men, it's cause for celebration; if they're not, well, you can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs, right?

How much longer until the Great Collapse? Soon? Please?!?